Subscribing to a journal
The Event Sourced Entity journal contains events that capture all state changes. By subscribing to the journal, with the Event Sourced Entity type name, another component can receive all events emitted of that type.
To subscribe to an Event Sourced Entity log, define Protobuf rpc methods for each Journal event that you want to receive. Annotate these methods with the (akkaserverless.method).eventing
annotation and specify the Entity type name of the Event Sourced Entity.
syntax = "proto3";
package shopping.product.actions;
import "akkaserverless/annotations.proto";
import "cart/shopping_cart_domain.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
service ToProductPopularityService {
rpc ForwardAdded(shopping.cart.domain.ItemAdded) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (akkaserverless.method) = { (2)
event_sourced_entity: "eventsourced-shopping-cart" (3)
1 | create rpc methods for all Protobuf types in the journal |
2 | annotate the methods with (akkaserverless.method).eventing |
3 | specify the Event Sourced Entity’s type name as journal source |
There is nothing specific required in the implementation of these methods. The implementation usually is an Action that forwards a converted message to a different component (e.g. an Event Sourced Entity).
Subscribing to events from a different service
The approach described above works within a service. To subscribe to events from a different service, you would use Publishing and subscribing.
Ignoring events
When listening to an event log, all events emitted by the Event Sourced entity must be matched by a Protobuf service method. In case your component is interested only in certain events, you may declare a method to receive all events that are not received by the other methods.
// handle other events which are not managed above
rpc CatchOthers(google.protobuf.Any) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (akkaserverless.method) = {
event_sourced_entity: "eventsourced-shopping-cart"
The corresponding implementation must exist in the component.